Full List Of Stuff Asperger People Like
#32 Jessica Kingsly Publishers
#31 Nakedness
#30 Electronic Communication: Email, IM, And Texting, Oh My!
#29 Dressing For Comfort And Practicality
#28 Brutal Honesty
#27 Honesty
#25 Cameron, An Asperger-Like Robot From Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
#23 Worrying: Working The Wigdala
#22 Imitation
#21 Eating Routines And Food Presentation Preferences
#20 Correcting
#19 Porn As The Special Interest
#18 Providing More Than The Minimum Coverage
#17 Becoming An Engineer, Being An Enginerd
#16 Different Couple Living Arrangements
#15 Dropping Bill Gate’s Name To Honor Their Aspergerness
#13 Heather Kuzmich and her Hot Legs
#12 Morals (The Right Ones, That Is)
#11 Non-Fiction and the Hatred of Fiction
#8 Eating The Same Foods Everyday
#6 Earplugs
#5 Rules: Following, Enforcing, and Rule Enforcement Pissiness (R.E.P.)
#3 Marriages To People From Other Countries
#2 Going MIA at Social Gatherings
#1 Making Lists