Rewarding and punishing the child with Asperger’s presents a challenge, as My Asperger’s Child explains.

Usual methods, such as prohibiting the child from interacting with his peers, may do the opposite since he or she thrives on being alone anyway.

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Children with Asperger’s have been noted to sometimes have issues with motor skills and coordination. This isn’t just a curse that prevents them from becoming NHL champions, it can sometimes leave them unable to do simple things the rest of the world takes for granted—like tying one’s shoes.

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How can you be married to a man for 15 years and not know he has Asperger’s?

Because literally no one knows anything about the issue! And if they do, they aren’t sure exactly how to remedy it.

One woman’s essay on how she came to realize her husband’s condition was full of so many of the classic signs, she and her hubby could have been subjects for the Stuff Aspergers Like book!

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Here’s a great video to put on your list for the weekend!

Chris Packham, British naturalist, is seen describing what his life is like as an Asperger.

His documentary, Asperger’s and Me, has been nominated for a British film award.

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Aspergers Like…Tweeting!: @AspergersLike On Twitter

Written by SAPL on September 27th, 2018 in Communication.

Aspergers like many things. Twitter is among a few of them.

If you like Tweeting Tweets, following Tweets or reading Tweets, why not follow Stuff Aspergers Like?


An excellent way to avoid face to face interaction and practice those great skills of Electronic Communication!

English singer Gary Numan says being an Asperger has more advantages than disadvantages.

Apparently, his combination of social quirks are a good fit for his position of being in bands that have made hits since the ’80s, as he explained to a reporter who asked if he ever encountered any difficulties.

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The Good Men Project has an interesting article on tips to combat sensory sensitivity. The site, which features everything from politics to family issues sounds incredibly progressive just from its name. And now, a feature on how men of the world can develop a better understanding of Asperger’s from their children to themselves is perfectly befitting for the times.

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British actor Chris Packham‘s girlfriend has given the thumbs up on this Aspie’s affectionate side.

While some Aspergers may be stereotyped for not showing affection, Charlotte Corney, who has held a long-term relationship with the Springwatch star since 2007, has nothing but great things to say.

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