#12 Morals (The Right Ones, That Is)
Written by SAPL on July 29th, 2008 in Uncategorized.
Aspergers have spent many sleepless nights debating the morality of both their actions and others. They are naturally hyper-concerned with doing what is right, judging if others are doing what is right, and ensuring others know what is right. Their innate strong sense of what’s right and wrong has both protected and punished them throughout their lives.
On the positive side, an Asperger’s strong sense of morality will ensure that Barbara Walters will never be able to write a tell all book about him. Ditto for any Paris Hilton-like videos surfacing the internet and time spent wasting away in Margaritaville. That it itself should make him appreciative of this gift. But a closer look at the Aspie’s conscience on overdrive reveals problems surfacing here and there.
There is always the risk of offending friends or potential girlfriends if she is told her outfit makes her look like a whore. But the Aspie feels compelled to tell her this anyway. After all, she may not know. And if she doesn’t who else is going to tell her? Morals such as these must be followed even at risk of a slap to the face or a knee to the groin.
College can be a time of great frustration for the Aspie when deciding on a major. A promising career as an attorney may sound exciting, but the Asperger cannot foresee giving a guilty person legal counsel even if they deserve it. Medicine might prove lucrative and honorable, but if people can prevent so many ailments through diet and exercise it’s not progressive to treat them with drugs. A librarian may seem like the perfect job as literacy and education can never be overpromoted. Until the Aspie imagines a situation where she is forced to tell a patron to be quite only to discover the patron has a voice disorder which makes it very difficult to do so. Because of her chastising the patron, the patron decides to become a recluse for 30 years and blames the Aspie librarian for driving him to a lifetime of isolation and cold delivered pizzas because he no longer feels confident leaving the home to go grocery shopping. While this scenario might sound farfetched, it seems quite plausible at 3:00AM over nail biting and undergraduate class registration forms on the table.
The moral weight of responsibility the Aspie feels is often too much to carry. Because of this, some will resort to becoming Rule Enforcement Pissers to compensate.
August 5th, 2008 at 7:53 pm
[…] and cause great distress knowing their hero was breaking rules, not following protocol, and possibly being immoral depending on the degree of R.E.P. they possess. It is much better for their psyche to think he […]
November 19th, 2008 at 2:58 am
[…] people have an innate drive to be honest and truthful. This goes along with their strong sense of morality. Honesty can be a wonderful trait to have if your best friend or partner is an Asperger. And it can […]
October 4th, 2011 at 7:45 pm
I have managed to deal with this by becoming a keen observer of and commenter upon hypocrisy. Whenever my fiancee tries to impose some behavioral condition upon me, I immediately respond with “And, of course, that means nobody is allowed to xxx to me, as well.” It pisses her off to no end, but then she is trapped. If she tries to contradict me, then I force her to admit that she just wants special rules to constrain me and nobody else around me. I used to cower and let her get away with it, but now I refuse to. She can either play fair or let me do whatever the hell I want.