#2 Going MIA At Social Gatherings
Written by SAPL on July 13th, 2008 in Socialization.
The Party’s Getting Started!
1/2 Hour Later…
It is a misconception that Aspergers do not like to socialize, probably created by some of the idiots who get annoyed at Aspie traits that are in fact just different. Aspies do socialize-they just don’t require nearly as much of it as neurotypicals do. That being said, when many Aspies come along for social gatherings-birthday parties, reunions, etc., they will spend a few minutes chatting then quickly move on to something else that sparks their interest and is usually a solitary activity, otherwise known as Going MIA At Social Gatherings.
The solitary activity may range from catching up on a work or personal project, reading the latest Journal of American Medical Association to catch up on the latest statin information, surfing the internet, etc., etc. It’s not that the Aspie is trying to be rude and shun everyone at the party-it’s simply that they do not have a need to do any more socializing and pretending to do so will only result in boredom, irritation, etc.
Neurotypical friends and family who don’t realize the Aspie doesn’t have the same level of social need as they may mistakenly coax or even demand the Aspie stop running away and socialize more. They may make it a point to invite them to 2x as many social functions after they realize how the Aspie behaves, thinking the Aspie simply needs “exposure” or “practice” in being more social. This can result in numerous reactive behaviors from the Aspie, ranging from creating excuses to being downright rude to guest because they feel they are “forced” into situations and words and feelings are being put into their mouths (“I don’t have a social phobia…I am not shy…I just don’t care for it”).
Sooner or later the Aspie gets smart and learns to use these “forced socialization” events to their advantage, such as agreeing to go the the friend’s party for obtaining her MBA just because they know the friend has a NICE CD burner in the upstairs room where they can burn the latest live Radiohead concert mp3s. Or, they might think to themselves, “Oh, they own that cool dog. He’ll be great to play with.” Food is always a motivator for everyone, Aspie or neurotypical, and good grub may be worth a thousand small talks to some.
In summary, Aspies like socialization, they just don’t need as much of it as neurotypicals do.
July 23rd, 2008 at 12:44 am
OR they’ve got a garden or they always have new magazines or an unabridged dictionary or funny little kids or collections of fossils or shells or field guides……oh, wait, that’s MY house minus the kids.
Maybe I’ll just stay home…….
August 7th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
[…] working as individuals more, huh? Ah, yes, going MIA is good for sports events as […]
September 22nd, 2008 at 8:44 pm
[…] Things Mentioned In This Post: Going MIA The Special Interest Possible Need For […]
February 12th, 2009 at 5:28 am
“Oh, they own that cool dog. He’ll be great to play with.”
I may not think about it beforehand, but I usually do end up hanging out with their pets when I can’t deal with any more humans.
November 13th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
I only recently became somewhat educated about the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Asperger’s Syndrome. This is rather unfortunate considering if I had had this information many years ago, it would serve as the perect explanation for my atypicality. Since being introduced to ASD, I’ve been researching almost nonstop. This list is my most recent stop. After reading this list, I am certain that I have AS to some degree. Thank you for making this list and I intend to continue looking around this site.
June 2nd, 2010 at 3:57 am
Haha that pictoral synopsis is totally me! I’ll make small talk sometimes at parties, but if no one is talking to me and everyone is having their own little convos about some inside joke, I dont feel obligated to linger within earshot and try to figure what the hell they’re talking about.
July 2nd, 2010 at 4:48 pm
I always end up either playing with the children and pets, examining the bookshelves for history and science books or outside, far enough away that the sound of people talking is audible only as a distant hum, but I’m able to hear my wife calling my name when it’s time to go.
May 1st, 2011 at 11:51 pm
Since young, I had problems making friends. Always they seemed more interested to interact with others than with me. When I try talking, they make excuses to go somewhere else or see other people. Only when I found out I have asperger, I started improving because at least I know why and what are the things I need to improve on. Being an aspie is no joke.
March 7th, 2012 at 6:59 am
I always bring a book but my insecurities almost always get me, I mean how the bloody heck do I know when and how it is polite to stand up and leave from a group of people talking you got caught up in but you haven’t said a word in the last ten minutes? when I think it is right it isn’t and when I am certain it is not, it is. So I do it anyway regardless and then it backfires and people come to bring me back to the herd and they don’t even bother including me – I mean are you fr34k1ng kidding me?.
March 7th, 2012 at 7:00 am
It’s like a nightmare from the twilight zone!
October 19th, 2012 at 11:38 pm
“I am subsequently disappointed that _____ never got done (and probably never will) and most of the time was spent on So-And-So’s favorite amusement and/or So-And-So talking to Someone Else about .”
What about when most of the time was spent on So-And-So’s Special Interest?
February 24th, 2016 at 5:24 pm
If there is a dog or cat or any other animal on the premises, I am more likely to stick around. When we go to visit our friends, their dogs greet me and I sit on the floor and pet and kiss them until I feel I’ve transitioned enough to communicate with the humans. I get so focused on the animals that sometimes I even forget to say hi to the hosts. They understand, though. This is a good thing. And if things/conversations get too non-intellectual for me, I go find a dog to snuggle with until the anxiety passes.