Written by SAPL on December 23rd, 2008 in Clothing.

Sandy Austin whanau on Flickr
Clothes may make the neurotypical man or woman, but they will never make the Asperger person.
Aspies generally have no use for the latest fashions, and would prefer to wear clothing for comfort and practical purposes.
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Written by SAPL on November 30th, 2008 in Communication, Socialization.

Shioshvili on Flickr
“Wow, they’ve a got nice place,” says Jack as he and the wife drive by a luxury condo community. “If anything ever happens to you and the kids, I’m moving there.”
There’s honesty. And then there’s brutal honesty. Too often the Aspie possesses the latter.
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Written by SAPL on November 19th, 2008 in Communication.

Image: swanksalot on Flickr
Asperger people have an innate drive to be honest and truthful. This goes along with their strong sense of morality. Honesty can be a wonderful trait to have if your best friend or partner is an Asperger. And it can also makes things difficult.
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Written by SAPL on November 10th, 2008 in Asperger People In The News, Careers.
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Like many bright Asperger people, Bram Cohen ventured out into the workplace thinking he would find challenging and rewarding opportunities that matched his intellectual abilities and gave him the opportunity to interact with those smart and rational like him. Delusion #1.
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Written by SAPL on November 2nd, 2008 in Communication.

Once upon a time there was a young college Asperger student working as an assistant to a professor who was a very busy and prolific researcher. The student liked the job-good pay, close to home and school, and was in the area of interest the student wanted to go into after graduation.
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Written by SAPL on October 28th, 2008 in Communication, Socialization.

“Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” is a popular television series on Fox involving a robot that displays many Asperger traits. The whole gist of the story is this: Sarah Connor (Lena Headey) has a son, John (Thomas Dekker). John is being pursued by a Terminator that wants to destroy him. They recruit Cameron, a Terminator played by actress Summer Glau, who has been reprogrammed to help instead of hurt John (Good Terminator) and off they go running from the Bad Terminator and trying to figure out how to stop him. In between plots, there are love stories, adolescent angst, and plenty of robots getting blown up, shredded, burned, then putting themselves back together in a strange Humpty-Dumpty fashion and reactivating themselves to chase after John again. Pretty typical life for a teenage boy.
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Written by SAPL on October 15th, 2008 in Marriage and Dating, Socialization.

Image: badjonni on Flickr
Someone once said “Love Thyself.” This motto is good for anyone to live by, but Asperger people take the advice one step further: Love thyself and date thyself.
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Written by SAPL on October 5th, 2008 in Uncategorized.
Have you worked your wigdala today? Sounds strange, I know. Maybe even a little dirty. Allow me to explain with a brief lesson in Neuroscience 101.