Archive for the 'Stuff Aspergers Like Book Quote' Category

It all sounds so fun and educational.

A nice afternoon with the family with several guys here to entertain, make funny jokes and give a great lecture on autism.

Not so, says Asperger’s Are Us, a comedic troupe with their own HBO and Netflix series. With skits that highlight a politician’s sex scandal, don’t expect a family friendly environment with that PBS feeling.

Does this make some offended? Or add more to the humor?


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“Solo sports give the Aspie confidence, allowing her to practice and improve on her own schedule, essentially being her only competitor, whose last record must be broken”

–from Stuff Aspergers Like


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“It’s a well-known fact among those they live, work and play with, an Asperger is 99% internally motivated and 1% internally motivated to appear as if they are externally motivated.”

–From the Stuff Aspergers Like book. This may be a bit of advice to remember when working with your Asperger adolescent when it comes to chores and schoolwork. There are less sarcastic tips as well, such as exercising patience and setting clear rules.

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British actor Chris Packham‘s girlfriend has given the thumbs up on this Aspie’s affectionate side.

While some Aspergers may be stereotyped for not showing affection, Charlotte Corney, who has held a long-term relationship with the Springwatch star since 2007, has nothing but great things to say.


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Can Big Bang Theory‘s Sheldon (Jim Parsons) be used to teach Asperger’s syndrome to the education population? One Glaskow educator was jokingly told he could.

In a more serious note, the brainy physicists does posses many of the stereotypical traits that make us laugh and sometimes cringe.


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An interesting article surfaced on the web titled “100 Slang Terms from the 20th Century that No One Uses Anymore.”

If you have the time (and the browser support) to view a few of them (images in the types of articles always seem to slow things down, there’s something entertaining to get from it.


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