An interesting article surfaced on the web titled “100 Slang Terms from the 20th Century that No One Uses Anymore.”

If you have the time (and the browser support) to view a few of them (images in the types of articles always seem to slow things down, there’s something entertaining to get from it.

A collection of terms from the ‘50s to today, many are still heard in pop culture and may not seem outdated at all (bad=good, not=negate, psyche=not really). Others may remind the millennial crowd of their ‘90s adolescence (remember Gwen Stefani’s “hella” reference in her No Doubt songs?).

As always, slang is a great way to insult or compliment. A “monet” is someone only hot “from a distance. Some Aspergers may prefer to call themselves “zeek,” or “geek with sex appeal.”

Some of the ‘50s terms are even more interesting, if not humorous. Telling a loudmouth to “sit on it” if you want them to shut-up. The hot girl was DD breasts may be full of “foam domes” or a stuffed bra.

A quote from Stuff Aspergers Like on Urban Dictionary, a humorous slang dictionary found online:

“Urban Dictionary contains all the current slang words and phrases you need to know but never use, especially around grandma.”

For Asperger adults, grasping idioms is probably more important than slang. Idioms, or cultural phrases that make reference to norms, are used heavily in conversation in both casual and professional settings. has many phrases listed in alphabetical order, from A Doubting Thomas (skeptical person) to Water Under the Bridge (an insignificant factor).

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