Amy Schumer Thinks Husband Chris’ Asperger’s Not A “Negative Thing”
Written by SAPL on September 25th, 2019 in Famous People, Marriage and Dating.

Amy Schumer has shared with the media that her husband, Chris, has Asperger’s.
On her Netflix show Growing (bookmark this in addition to Atypical), the comedian discussed what life was like with him and why it makes her love him even more.
Since her announcement on Growing, she’s continuing to share what life with Chris is like and even the possibility of her child being on the spectrum. As expected, Schumer–known for her humorous touch on everything from the female perspective to love to childbirth–has made a few quirky comments on what life with someone on the spectrum is like. She has also responded to those who want to know if she predicts there will be any issues with her child born earlier this year.
“I don’t see being on the spectrum as a negative thing. My husband is my favorite person I’ve ever met. He’s kind, hilarious, interesting and talented and I admire him. Am I supposed to hope my son isn’t like that?”
The last time we saw a celebrity with this type of platform to speak on autism was Jenny McCarthy. She made some controversial ripples when she linked the possibilities of vaccines to the spectrum. Later, she stated that her son may have not had autism after all.
No one is expecting Schumer and Chris to start divulging every detail about their life as a couple on the spectrum. But we are secretly wishing for a more reality TV view of how there may be little quirks here and there that make Chris stand out for who he is. There have been some stereotypes (positive) about men on the spectrum, which include being the “tall, dark, handsome” type in addition to the computer nerd, tech geek or awkward academic. Chris fits the profile for tall, dark and handsome as well as funny and quirky.
This is starting to sound too much like a gossip column already.
At any rate, kudos to Schumer for sharing and giving a glimpse to America what a typical male, someone’s spouse, with autism or Asperger’s is like.
Her openness and clarity can only be beneficial to the world.