Bradley Gunn + Phutek= Love, Life And Rave Campaign
Written by SAPL on December 10th, 2018 in Asperger People In The News, Musicians.
Remember our Asperger raver Bradley Gunn, who professed to dancing all night using nothing but water to fuel his high?
The software developer by day has collaborated with Phutek for an ultimate dance/techno hit that echoes a campaign he is trying to spread, “Love, Life and Rave.
The Love, Life and Rave message stems from his love of the dance floor and in general, how music connects us all, regardless of our differences. What better way to get the message across than with a 3-minute catchy hit featuring Bradley’s written lyrics being spoken. There is also a bit of keyboard work done by him.
This is one of several projects he’s worked on in addition to his appearances at high-profile entertainment events like the London Music Conference, ADE and Boomtown Fair. He’s also done some commercial work for a few companies.
Will his latest responsibilities take away time from the dance floor, making him nothing but a 9-5, cubicle contained chap?
No way, as Bradley explains that his Asperger’s makes it even easier to keep a tight schedule.
“With Asperger’s you’re very good at schedules – if something’s got to happen at 6am, you’ll be there at 6am. When I go back to work it is like I’m chilling out. Downtime is honestly more stressful for me than up-time”.