Archive for December, 2018

Great Lies For The Asperger’s Development

Written by SAPL on Monday, December 24th, 2018 in Communication.

Many parents cringe when they know their child is telling a lie, but parents of Asperger children may want to celebrate.

Those on the spectrum have difficulty refraining from the truth, so when a lie is created, there are several reasons why you may want to reconsider it an issue.


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For many Asperger adolescents, the ability to organize and place things in a similar category may be more difficult than for the neurotypical adolescent.

The idea of placing ideas in groups to master the concept is nothing novel, but the idea of using electronic devices or assistive technology to do so is something to consider.


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Neurotypicals married to Aspergers often cite difficulty in their relationship, more so than neurotypicals married to each other.

Some may feel this is even more difficult for females married to Asperger males, but in the interest of not stereotyping, it’s more important to provide solutions that anyone can benefit from.

For males, females, Asperger or neurotypical, perhaps learning emotional and cognitive self-care is the solution.


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Remember our Asperger raver Bradley Gunn, who professed to dancing all night using nothing but water to fuel his high?

The software developer by day has collaborated with Phutek for an ultimate dance/techno hit that echoes a campaign he is trying to spread, “Love, Life and Rave.


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Anybody who’s watched the nerdy and sometimes annoying Sheldon on Big Bang Theory AND has any knowledge of Asperger’s syndrome has definitely made some connections.

Mayim Bialik, who plays Sheldon’s girlfriend on the show has a few opinions on the matter, and as a neuroscientist who took a break from the screen at UCLA, has some great theories on why no one is quick to label Sheldon just yet…She also has some great theories on everybody else’s eccentricities, including Leonard and Stuart.


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Superheroes comes in all varieties, and no one knows that better than one NYC artist who looked to his son for some innovative ideas in the world of fantasy.

The result is a total of three educational books to date, all centered around a character called “Jake Jetpulse.”


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