Archive for September, 2018

An interesting article surfaced on the web titled “100 Slang Terms from the 20th Century that No One Uses Anymore.”

If you have the time (and the browser support) to view a few of them (images in the types of articles always seem to slow things down, there’s something entertaining to get from it.


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“Stuff Aspergers Like” Book Available!

Written by SAPL on Friday, September 7th, 2018 in Stuff Aspergers Like Book.

Stuff Aspergers Like book is available!

The book follows a similar format to the blog, containing over 100 witty descriptions of Asperger traits.

A preview from the description:

Asperger’s syndrome can be a serious topic. It can also be hilarious! Stuff Asperger’s Like is a collection of over 100 short essays that humorously describe Asperger’s, a form of high-functioning autism. Stuff Aspergers Like explores what being an Aspie (nickname among those in the culture) means.

From socialization and communication to education to work to relationships, there are plenty of anecdotes and pop culture references to illustrate traits that surface in everyday interactions. Whether you’re on the spectrum or know someone who is, this humorous collection of tongue-in-cheek essays will entertain and educate.

Thirteen chapters include:

Socialization, Conversation and Communication: Eye contact, interacting in groups, grasping the use of slang, need for alone time and electronic communication

Work: School and Environment: Motivation, perfectionism, teamwork, career choices


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