Comedian and Britain’s Got Talent finalist Robert White was a guest on Loose Women, where he spoke about those with Asperger’s living up to their full potential.

Known for raw humor such as calling female celebrities “men” and “strippers,” White said there were more difficulties than growing up as the only gay man in his village.


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The ability to read minds may still be a long ways away, but the ability to recognize and read emotions, especially if you have difficulties doing so due to autism, may have arrived already.

Google Glass, Google’s 3D reality glasses that didn’t hit big with the tech crowd several years ago have made a comeback with apps like Empower Me.


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So we recently learned that musician Joe Walsh, famous for many musical associations including The Eagles, has Asperger’s.

In the ever expanding world of musicians coming out as Asperger, Walsh told a crowd at the Facing Addiction/NCADD gala of the difficulties of growing up with a set of traits that weren’t well known in his younger days.


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A video of a young man with Asperger’s enjoying the rave scene is reminiscent of the ’90s Ben Folds Five song, “Underground.”

Bradley Gunn, a self-professed raver, has found immersing himself in dance culture is a great way to forget about a lot of things, Asperger’s included.

“I have Asperger’s, so when I started raving, there was no mention of the Asperger’s at all.”


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Asperger’s And College Can Be A Test Of Executive Functions

Written by SAPL on Wednesday, October 17th, 2018 in Education.

Remember your days as an Asperger in college?

Every morning you seemed to have gotten up later and later. Everything took way too long to complete. Too many trips to the drugstore. (Not because you needed prescriptions for the conditions all those Fraternity boys had to fill, but because the intense schedule left you always feeling “under the weather” every other month.)


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An young Asperger man has designed a set of characters for Skeezix, a brand of fidgeting toys.

Ryan Bryer responded to an ad looking for a local illustrator. While he figured he was “no way qualified enough” for the gig, he took a chance and ending up pleasing David Crorey, who’s been creating all sorts of gadgets and putting patents on them for years.


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Aspergers Not As Literal As You May Think–Terra Vance

Written by SAPL on Friday, October 5th, 2018 in Communication.

How to test if a person has the Asperger trait of taking things literally, and potentially, be an Asperger?

The Unapologetically Aspie has devised a few vignettes to identify Aspergerness based on what the person in the conversation might say.

Terra Vance has proposed that we simply put idioms in our conversations with potential Aspies.


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Rewarding and punishing the child with Asperger’s presents a challenge, as My Asperger’s Child explains.

Usual methods, such as prohibiting the child from interacting with his peers, may do the opposite since he or she thrives on being alone anyway.


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