Written by SAPL on July 23rd, 2008 in Careers, Hobbies and Special Interests.

Many Asperger people obtain careers in academia. Often, the academic area of interest is something that was a special interest growing up. For this reason, becoming a professor is much like a “Revenge of the Asperger nerds,” experience.
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Written by SAPL on July 20th, 2008 in Uncategorized.

Simple Food
The Asperger child was easy to recognize in the school cafeteria as she always brought the same meal for lunch everyday. While other children may have had their parents to blame for this matter (“You eat what we serve you,” “That is too expensive,”) and often protested, the Aspie child actually enjoyed this. And when it came time to barter your Lunchable for someone else’s PB&J, the Aspie never took part in this marketplace. However, no one was ever really interested in exchanging because the meal the Asperger child bought was probably bland and/or weird anyway.
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Written by SAPL on July 18th, 2008 in Hobbies and Special Interests.

Family Travel Gear
Aspies love facts and trivia and many times this makes up the special interest the Aspie has spent countless hours learning about. Like the special interest, the facts the Aspie retains could be about many things, including science, technology, literature and so forth.
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Written by SAPL on July 16th, 2008 in Sensory Sensitivties, Uncategorized.

Weird Science
All humans, neurotypical or Aspie, have their “I can’t do without,” accessories. Belts, bracelets, push up bras, you name it. Most of these accessories are for vanity purposes and the person could very well tolerate being separated from, although they might suffer extreme feelings of ugliness, nakedness, fattiness, skinniness, insert appropriate negative psychological feeling of materialistic, neurotic individual.
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Written by SAPL on July 15th, 2008 in Organization.

The Aspie is a lover of all rules. It is not enough to just follow them, in some cases, the Aspie feels he or she must create more rules and enforce rules on other people. Usually, the Aspie just feels he/she is doing the right thing because it’s what they learned and due to their impaired Theory of Mind and White Board issues (the way they learned it 1st is the way they will always see it), they can’t see any other way of doing it. Some may be driven because of anxiety of breaking a social norm and desperately wanting to do what is proper.
Still, others suffer from R.E.P.=Rule Enforcement Pissiness.
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Written by SAPL on July 14th, 2008 in Hobbies and Special Interests.

If you happen to be in the company of the Asperger and he or she has not told you about their “special interest,” it won’t be long before you find out and once you do, they will never shut-up about it.
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Written by SAPL on July 14th, 2008 in Marriage and Dating, Socialization.

It is known that many Aspergers, especially in the U.S., marry people from foreign countries. This may be due to several reasons. Many countries do not have the same social rules and thus these rules do not get in the way and the social “awkwardness” does not occur when dating someone from another country. People from countries other than America will often attribute an Asperger’s social differences to cultural or simply don’t care. Whatever the reason, it is important that the Aspie recognize this early on and, like every other social mountain they might have to climb, learn to how to successfully work around this difference.
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Written by SAPL on July 13th, 2008 in Socialization.
The Party’s Getting Started!

1/2 Hour Later…

It is a misconception that Aspergers do not like to socialize, probably created by some of the idiots who get annoyed at Aspie traits that are in fact just different. Aspies do socialize-they just don’t require nearly as much of it as neurotypicals do. That being said, when many Aspies come along for social gatherings-birthday parties, reunions, etc., they will spend a few minutes chatting then quickly move on to something else that sparks their interest and is usually a solitary activity, otherwise known as Going MIA At Social Gatherings.
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