Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

#32 Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Written by SAPL on Monday, February 23rd, 2009 in Uncategorized.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Out of all the women in the world who are special to the Asperger Person, Jessica Kingsley is in the top 5, along with mom, wife or girlfriend, and playmate of the year.

Who is Jessica, you might ask? Who knows! Stuff Asperger People Like has no clue, but one thing’s for sure, she sure does have an extensive collection of books on Asperger’s Syndrome and autism.


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#23 Worrying: Working The Wigdala

Written by SAPL on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 in Uncategorized.

Have you worked your wigdala today? Sounds strange, I know. Maybe even a little dirty. Allow me to explain with a brief lesson in Neuroscience 101.
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#21 Eating Routines And Food Presentation Preferences

Written by SAPL on Monday, September 8th, 2008 in Uncategorized.

Greefus Groinks on Flickr

It’s been said that there’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s. Once the Asperger finds his or her preference for eating the peanut butter chocolate goody, he or she will never eat it differently again. For those of you working in office settings, if you have an Aspie in the office and you know a Reese’s is her favorite treat-offer to buy it 2-3 times for her and watch her as she eats it. She might break the top off and lick the peanut butter, eat the outermost ridges, or take a stab in the middle and leave the ring for the end. Watch carefully and after the 2nd or 3rd time, you’ll find yourself cracking up. Or getting really, really, really weirded out.


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#15 Dropping Bill Gate’s Name To Honor Their Aspergerness

Written by SAPL on Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 in Uncategorized.

When discussing Asperger people, some have used Bill Gates to describe individuals with the traits. Although the author of this post does not know if Gates is an Aspie or not, his nerdy brilliance, computer knowledge and skills, and intense focus in a particular “special interest” that has proved quite profitable certainly make him a candidate.


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#12 Morals (The Right Ones, That Is)

Written by SAPL on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 in Uncategorized.


Aspergers have spent many sleepless nights debating the morality of both their actions and others. They are naturally hyper-concerned with doing what is right, judging if others are doing what is right, and ensuring others know what is right. Their innate strong sense of what’s right and wrong has both protected and punished them throughout their lives.


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#8 Eating The Same Foods Everyday

Written by SAPL on Sunday, July 20th, 2008 in Uncategorized.

Simple Food

The Asperger child was easy to recognize in the school cafeteria as she always brought the same meal for lunch everyday. While other children may have had their parents to blame for this matter (“You eat what we serve you,” “That is too expensive,”) and often protested, the Aspie child actually enjoyed this. And when it came time to barter your Lunchable for someone else’s PB&J, the Aspie never took part in this marketplace. However, no one was ever really interested in exchanging because the meal the Asperger child bought was probably bland and/or weird anyway.


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#6 Earplugs

Written by SAPL on Wednesday, July 16th, 2008 in Sensory Sensitivties, Uncategorized.

Weird Science

All humans, neurotypical or Aspie, have their “I can’t do without,” accessories. Belts, bracelets, push up bras, you name it. Most of these accessories are for vanity purposes and the person could very well tolerate being separated from, although they might suffer extreme feelings of ugliness, nakedness, fattiness, skinniness, insert appropriate negative psychological feeling of materialistic, neurotic individual.


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