Archive for the 'Sensory Sensitivties' Category

National Autism Hour Begins This Week

Written by SAPL on Monday, October 8th, 2018 in Sensory Sensitivties.

National Autism Hour started this weekend and shops around the world are being encouraged to partake in 60 minutes of observance to help everyone understand what sensory experiences those on the autism spectrum may experience when they enter public places.

In addition to modifying the store, participants have a chance to spread the word on how everyone can assist these individuals.


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The Good Men Project has an interesting article on tips to combat sensory sensitivity. The site, which features everything from politics to family issues sounds incredibly progressive just from its name. And now, a feature on how men of the world can develop a better understanding of Asperger’s from their children to themselves is perfectly befitting for the times.


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#31 Nakedness

Written by SAPL on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 in Clothing, Sensory Sensitivties.


Donna S. Rutherford on Flickr

Clothing can be such a pain in ass for Asperger People. Too tight, not tight enough, feels scratchy, the list goes on for material and fabrics that rub their sensory sensitivities the wrong way.

Because of this, some Aspies prefer to just be plain naked.

Usually this is confined to a private area, such as one’s own home or apartment, but there are exceptions.


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#6 Earplugs

Written by SAPL on Wednesday, July 16th, 2008 in Sensory Sensitivties, Uncategorized.

Weird Science

All humans, neurotypical or Aspie, have their “I can’t do without,” accessories. Belts, bracelets, push up bras, you name it. Most of these accessories are for vanity purposes and the person could very well tolerate being separated from, although they might suffer extreme feelings of ugliness, nakedness, fattiness, skinniness, insert appropriate negative psychological feeling of materialistic, neurotic individual.


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