Archive for January, 2019

Nasal Spray For Autism Hypothesizes Oxytocin Effect

Written by SAPL on Thursday, January 31st, 2019 in Science and Technology.

Treatments given through the nasal cavity have brought convenience and relief, and now Japanese researchers have developed a promising therapeutic device they believe will ease the symptoms of autism.

Push aside your allergy treatments, it’s time to make room for the Oxytocin Autism spray in your cabinet.


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Female Autism Traits May Change The Way We Diagnose

Written by SAPL on Monday, January 14th, 2019 in Science and Technology.

Francesca Happé, noted researcher on autism, has said:

“Research on autism has systematically neglected and excluded women and girls—researchers often thought that they’d get so few women that they left them out entirely.”

And that’s just one of the many reasons a seemingly “male” stereotyped syndrome has so few females in its literature.


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