Archive for October, 2018

“It’s a well-known fact among those they live, work and play with, an Asperger is 99% internally motivated and 1% internally motivated to appear as if they are externally motivated.”

–From the Stuff Aspergers Like book. This may be a bit of advice to remember when working with your Asperger adolescent when it comes to chores and schoolwork. There are less sarcastic tips as well, such as exercising patience and setting clear rules.

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An young Asperger man has designed a set of characters for Skeezix, a brand of fidgeting toys.

Ryan Bryer responded to an ad looking for a local illustrator. While he figured he was “no way qualified enough” for the gig, he took a chance and ending up pleasing David Crorey, who’s been creating all sorts of gadgets and putting patents on them for years.


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National Autism Hour Begins This Week

Written by SAPL on Monday, October 8th, 2018 in Sensory Sensitivties.

National Autism Hour started this weekend and shops around the world are being encouraged to partake in 60 minutes of observance to help everyone understand what sensory experiences those on the autism spectrum may experience when they enter public places.

In addition to modifying the store, participants have a chance to spread the word on how everyone can assist these individuals.


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Aspergers Not As Literal As You May Think–Terra Vance

Written by SAPL on Friday, October 5th, 2018 in Communication.

How to test if a person has the Asperger trait of taking things literally, and potentially, be an Asperger?

The Unapologetically Aspie has devised a few vignettes to identify Aspergerness based on what the person in the conversation might say.

Terra Vance has proposed that we simply put idioms in our conversations with potential Aspies.


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When looking for a solution, there may be more than one possible answer.

Such was the case when a non-verbal child was discovered to have a dental issue that prevented him from speaking.

After a surgery, his verbal skills improved from a one-year-old to a child similar to his four years of age.


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Rewarding and punishing the child with Asperger’s presents a challenge, as My Asperger’s Child explains.

Usual methods, such as prohibiting the child from interacting with his peers, may do the opposite since he or she thrives on being alone anyway.


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Children with Asperger’s have been noted to sometimes have issues with motor skills and coordination. This isn’t just a curse that prevents them from becoming NHL champions, it can sometimes leave them unable to do simple things the rest of the world takes for granted—like tying one’s shoes.


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How can you be married to a man for 15 years and not know he has Asperger’s?

Because literally no one knows anything about the issue! And if they do, they aren’t sure exactly how to remedy it.

One woman’s essay on how she came to realize her husband’s condition was full of so many of the classic signs, she and her hubby could have been subjects for the Stuff Aspergers Like book!


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