Scroll down and read text below video, then watch video to hear Stuff Asperger People Like Being Named Dropped!

Stuff Asperger People Like has been name dropped by the authors@google program. The author of Stuff White People Like, Christian Lander, spoke at Google’s Mountain View, California headquarters. While he was being introduced, a nice young lady spoke about how viral the Stuff People Like Movement has become, with all the spinoffs it has generated. Stuff Asperger People Like was mentioned as one of her favorites! Throw your parties and watch this video to hear Stuff Asperger People Like mentioned! But of course, don’t watch it with other people. Go MIA to a private room and be alone. While you’re at it, eat the same sesame noodle dish you’ve always eaten at 7:30 PM for the past decade. Don’t forget your nerd porn.

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3 Responses to “Asperger People In The News: Stuff Asperger People Like Mentioned At Google Authors”

  1. Steve French Says:

    Hehe, that’s how I found it actually. It was a good find.

  2. jana Says:

    ALRIGHHHHHHHHHHT!!!!!!!! Went MIA and I ate my cereal and banana like I always do when I’m feeling insecure! congrats!

  3. John Says:

    “There aren’t 12 monkeys at the zoo. Three of those are actually chimpanzees.

    Really needs another ‘ ” ‘. Just saying

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