Archive for the 'Musicians' Category

Remember our Asperger raver Bradley Gunn, who professed to dancing all night using nothing but water to fuel his high?

The software developer by day has collaborated with Phutek for an ultimate dance/techno hit that echoes a campaign he is trying to spread, “Love, Life and Rave.


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So we recently learned that musician Joe Walsh, famous for many musical associations including The Eagles, has Asperger’s.

In the ever expanding world of musicians coming out as Asperger, Walsh told a crowd at the Facing Addiction/NCADD gala of the difficulties of growing up with a set of traits that weren’t well known in his younger days.


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English singer Gary Numan says being an Asperger has more advantages than disadvantages.

Apparently, his combination of social quirks are a good fit for his position of being in bands that have made hits since the ’80s, as he explained to a reporter who asked if he ever encountered any difficulties.


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