Neurotypicals married to Aspergers often cite difficulty in their relationship, more so than neurotypicals married to each other.

Some may feel this is even more difficult for females married to Asperger males, but in the interest of not stereotyping, it’s more important to provide solutions that anyone can benefit from.

For males, females, Asperger or neurotypical, perhaps learning emotional and cognitive self-care is the solution.

Since many partners of Aspergers report more difficulties in everything from their interpersonal relations to overall health, emotional self-care may be a vital solution. Emotional self-care is the act of including healthy habits into your life. This includes healthy dieting patterns and regular physical fitness routines. Rest is also a priority.

When cognitive self-care is achieved, more solutions to emotional care may be generated. Cognitive self-care is doing your due diligence in the classroom and learning all you can about your emotions, as well as your Asperger partner. According to Kathy J. Marshack, Ph.D., the lack of information can be a great stressor.

Learning how your partner thinks, feels and reacts can be done through books, online sites and forums,  support groups and more. It doesn’t have to involve a book every week or the equivalent of a degree in neuroscience. Why, even a quick stop to the Stuff Asperger People Like blog can serve as a wonderful resource with latest findings, thoughts and interesting people who provide insight based on their own experiences.

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